Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Young Adult Spring Programs Spring 2010

March 9 The Slight Edge: Gaining an Advantage for Life: What they don't teach you in high school. Free Workshop for teens on personal development, making decisions to give you an advantage in life. Applicable for college bound students, athletes, rock stars, anyone who wants to succeed in life! We will provide snacks for Free.
March 11, April 8, May 6 “Snackery Treats to Make and East” from Bells and Whistles at 6:00 P.M
March 11, learn how to make Paninis
April 8 fun appetizers
May 6 bake and decorate
April 14 6:30 Board Room College Application Essay seminar
Learn how to write the perfect college application essay.
registration required
April 17 and May 15 from 10:00 to 2:00 Prepare for the ACT by taking a practice exam with the test prep agency, Kaplan. Please bring No.2 pencils, an approved calculator and a healthy snack.
April 17, 3:00 TEAS and TOES Indulge yourself with Hazel Aquino, owner of Teas and Toes. Middle School and High School Girls bring your Moms or a friend to a relaxing class on Teas and Toes.
April 19, How to pay for college, presented by Kaplan 7:00 in meeting rooms
May 3 6:30 Book Talk Middle School and Pizza 7:30 meet in Teen Room
Talk about your favorite books and eat Pizza
May 3 8:00 Book talk High School and Pizza 7:30 meet in Teen Room
Talk about your favorite books and eat Pizza
Watch for the Summer Reading program
Volunteer opportunities

Teens, Teach the internet to a Senior Citizens
Contact Young Adult Librarian for more info.
Late Night FinalsJune 1, 2, 3
Open until 10:00 p.m Serving food and coffee to high school students studying for finals

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

An average of 200 students attended Finals at the Library each evening.

Thanks to Barones, Bells and Whistles, Tap House
Grill for donating Food. Starbucks, Caribou, Panera, and Einsteins donated coffee. THANK YOU

First Light by Rebecca Stead

First Light by Rebecca Stead will plunge you into two different new worlds and you'll not want to leave -- Greenland and Graceland. Greenland is where Peter, one of the narrators, moves with his father, a glaciologist, and his mother, a genetic scientist. The family takes off on an expedition where his father studies the effects of global warming on the glacier ice caps. Thea, the other narrator, lives in Gracehop, a world beneath the ice. Peter and Thea meet and their two different worlds start to collide as they begin to understand secrets hidden from them for generations. Stead describes the icy settings and glacial structures with vivid detail and color. After reading First Light, the reader will have a better understanding of the dangers of Global Warming: Steads research is convincing and troubling.